Legal Articles
DUI? But I have a prescription for that! Not so fast…
Prescription drugs and DUI Even if you are taking a legally prescribed controlled substance, it
Oops…Did we seriously get married last night?
What is an annulment? When people are considering ending a marriage, most people think that
Driving Privilege & the Points System
How does the “points” system work and how does it affect my driving privilege? Anyone
Impaired Driving vs. DUI
Impaired Driving Versus Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Under Utah law, there are two charges
DUI – What is required before a blood draw is allowed?
No per se exception to the warrant requirement for a blood draw—what is required before
Marital Privilege vs. Spousal Privilege
Can I be forced to testify against my spouse? Can my spouse prevent me from
Same-Sex Marriages in Utah
How Same-Sex Marriages came to be recognized in Utah In 2004, in response to the
Utah Judicially Recognized Marriage Common Law Marriage
Creating a Marriage without a Wedding - If you have been in a serious relationship,
Ignition Interlock Device
When is an ignition interlock device required for DUI charges? In Utah, either the Judge
Mediation and Arbitration
Understanding the different legal processes: mediation and arbitration. - Within the field of civil cases,