Can my boss not pay me and keep my last paycheck?
NO! Even if you are fired, your boss is required to pay you for every hour that you worked. The wage laws in Utah are clear–once you have been hired to do a job, your pay may not be stopped, delayed, or held hostage in order to collect a fine from you.
If you were fired and your boss:
* failed to provide you with your final check
* failed to pay overtime
* fired you because you demanded overtime wages
Or, if you were required to work overtime and told, “Don’t put it on the clock,” call our office for a consultation.
Many people worry that the wage laws won’t protect them because they work in construction, or restaurants, or hotels, or some other industry. There are very few situations where the Utah wage laws fail to protect employees’ wages.
In a recent case, a truck driver received back wages plus a premium penalty plus attorney fees when his employer failed to pay wages on time. The employer thought he was protected, thinking the truck driver was a contractor. Not so. The truck driver was a W2 employee and the employer had to pay back wages, overtime, attorney fees, and a penalty. Have you been told that you have no rights because you are a “contractor.” Call our office and find out for sure.
We all make Utah a better place to work by making sure that wage laws are enforced. Please call our office for a case review and find out if you are owed wages and penalties.