
Are you a Whistleblower? Are you about to blow the whistle? Is your company acting illegally or unethically? Are you concerned about losing your job? Are you concerned that others may be hurt? Whistleblowers sound a warning that a company is

  • Breaking the law
  • Putting people in danger
  • Cutting corners on safety
  • Acting immorally
  • Breaking safety rules
  • Putting people in danger

Have you already made a report or are you thinking about making a report?

Whistleblowers need an attorney. If you have blown the whistle or are about to, call us for a confidential review of the facts. It can be hard to know who you can trust. Sometimes it is important just to have someone who is able to listen. Don’t miss this opportunity.

Our attorneys are listeners, advocates, and counselors. Feel free to call our office or fill out our online form so we can help you. We have four locations across the state for convenient access.

Being a Whistleblower Can Be Lonely–Don’t Do It Alone

Whistleblowers should be honored, but that is not always the case. It can be downright lonely. A person who reports a dangerous product does not make friends with management. A whistleblower needs a friendly face and real legal advice. This is not the time for a “do-it-yourself” approach.

We stand up for Whistleblowers. We fight retaliation! Management may utilize multiple harassment techniques to undermine your honorable actions including demotion, firing, defamation, and discrimination. can get

How should you respond? Call us first. Don’t respond in kind. Respond by getting a case review before giving evidence or explanations to anyone. Delay can create liability.

Get in touch with us today by calling 801-872-2222